Category Archives: Uncategorized

Counting and sharing your blessings

Today I had the privilege of participating in a local ministry that delivers food to needy families and I think the person who benefited the most was myself. Reaching out to someone in need is a surefire way to be filled to overflowing with joy and feel more alive than ever before. One house that we visited especially touched me, the father has throat cancer, the 9 year old child is in poor health and the mother looked like she might topple over. She hasn’t slept much recently due to anxiety for her husband and she was so thin. I plan to do more to try and help this family through a very hard time, though it is hard to know how to really help in such a situation. Ever since I left their house, I’ve been overcome with how good I have it. Just last night I was at a wonderful party with a group of lovely ladies, enjoying excellent  fellowship. I have loads of loving family members all around, ready to help out in tough times. I have some truly awesome friends. I have plenty of nourishing and tasty food to eat. Clothes aren’t a problem; I have a spacious and comfortable place to live. My health is good. Any problems that I do have are really too small to even mention. Every time my thoughts go back to this family I am humbled and filled with gratitude for God’s graciousness to me. I can’t wait to come alongside this family and share that grace.


Filed under Uncategorized

2010 Election Picks

Some of the candidates are very hard to find any info on, so I’ve done my best.

Governor: Ray McBerry (R)

Lt. Governor: Rhonda Martini (L)

Secretary of State: Doug MacGinnitie (R)

Insurance Commissioner: Gerry Purcell (R)

Attorney General: Max Wood (R)

State School Superintendent: Kira Griffith Willis (L)

District Attorney: Chad Plumley (R)

U.S. Senate: Chuck Donovan (L)

State Senate: Bill Heath (R)

Public Service Commissioner: James Sendelbach (L)

Labor Commissioner: Melvin Everson (R)

Agriculture Commissioner: Kevin Cherry (L)

County Commissioner Post 4: Jason Anavitarte (R)

If you have information or suggestions that I may not have considered, please let me know.


Filed under Uncategorized

Change is good

This is just a quick post to let you know about some changes that I am making. I haven’t done well with the whole blogging thing and part of my problem has been trying to do too many different blogs. As you may have noticed I have changed the name of my blog to accommodate more topics than just weight loss, though I will still be talking about weight loss. Bear with me as I figure out what I’m doing and the best way to do it. What I am trying out now, is rather than having different blogs, just having different categories in one blog. We’ll see how it works.

On the weight loss front, I’m stuck right now, not gaining but not losing. Eating pretty good but not exercising much, so I know what needs to be fixed it’s just a matter of making the time and actually using said “made time” for what I made it for. I do have stuff to share and plan to be back soon to share it.

See ya!

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Filed under Exercise, General, Healthy Eating, Uncategorized, Weight Loss